Abstract submission is now closed!
The abstract submission constitutes a formal commitment by the author to present the corresponding presentation in the session and timeslot assigned by the Scientific Committee.
Changes in authorship should be communicated to the Scientific Committee in order to ensure correct appearance in the printed program.
If the original presenting author is unable to present, one of the co-authors should take over this responsibility.
Please ensure that your abstract contains a maximum of 300 words.
Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when used first.
To provide maximum information in the abstract, please state:
- the background
- the aims of study
- the methods used
- summarize the results / theoretical advancements
- the conclusions reached.
After you register you will be able to add the following abstract types:
- Oral
- Poster
- Workshop
- Round table
- Symposia
Symposia should include presentations on a specific theme and integrate findings from different research projects. Symposia are organized by a convenor, and will be scheduled for 1 hour and a half or 2 hours. They will include 4 or 5 presenters (normally speaking for about 20 minutes each), plus 15 minutes for a discussant stimulating interaction with the audience.
In order to submit a symposium we would like to receive an overarching abstract by the convener(s) referring to the individual contributions within the symposium. Also, convener provides names of presenters and titles of their individual presentations.
In addition to that all contributors are asked to submit individual abstracts. All abstracts should be composed following the guidelines specified above. Before sending an abstract authors should refer to convener of symposia of interest (the abstract must be approved by the convener).
Students and researchers in the early stages of their career and with limited resources can apply for a financial support. We plan to offer some of these bursaries to delegates from Eastern Europe and other countries that are not as well supported as most Westerners. A limited amount of bursaries is available, covering registration fees, meals, and accommodation.
To apply for a bursary on-line application form, together with their abstract submission form should be completed. A Scientific Committee will evaluate the scientific and methodological quality of received proposals and offer bursaries to the presenters of the best abstracts.