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Top 10 najcitiranijih radova u bazi Google Scholar
(prema podacima softvera Publish or Perish) (2021/04):
  1. Buss, D. M. (2006). Strategies of human mating. Psihologijske teme, 15(2), 239-260. (citiran 249 puta)
  2. Kashdan, T. B. i McKnight, P. E. (2009). Origins of purpose in life: Refining our understanding of a life well lived. Psihologijske teme, 18(2), 303-313. (citiran 191 puta)
  3. Brdar, I., Rijavec, M. i Miljković, D. (2009). Life goals and well-being: Are extrinsic aspirations always detrimental to well-being? Psihologijske teme, 18(2), 317-334. (citiran 137 puta)
  4. Joseph, S. (2009). Growth following adversity: Positive psychological perspectives on posttraumatic stress. Psihologijske teme, 18(2), 335-344. (citiran 135 puta)
  5. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2009). The promise of positive psychology. Psihologijske teme, 18(2), 203-211. (citiran 127 puta)
  6. Sušanj, Z. i Jakopec, A. (2012). Fairness perceptions and job satisfaction as mediators of the relationship between leadership style and organizational commitment. Psihologijske teme, 21(3), 509-526. (citiran 116 puta)
  7. Vingerhoets, A. J., Bylsma, L. M. i De Vlam, C. (2013). Swearing: A biopsychosocial perspective. Psihologijske teme, 22(2), 287-304. (citiran 115 puta)
  8. Feldman Barrett, L. (2011). Constructing emotion. Psihologijske teme, 20(3), 359-380. (citiran 112 puta)
  9. Larsen, R. (2009). The contributions of positive and negative affect to emotional well-being. Psihologijske teme, 18(2), 247-266. (citiran 106 puta)
  10. Buss, D. M. (2013). Sexual jealousy. Psihologijske teme, 22(2), 155-182. (citiran 104 puta)