e-Learning at the University of Rijeka
e-Learning is the implementation of the educational process through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), primarily through the use of the Internet and the Learning Management System (LMS) program.
The Strategy for e-Learning implementation at the University of Rijeka is a document which defines how to implement e-Learning, e-Learning goals, and strategies for their implementation.
Following the decision of the University of Rijeka's Senate, Recommendations for the Formulation of Educational e-Learning Material were adopted, setting out the minimum technical and education standards of e-Learning, organization of the e-course, general use of e-Learning resources in teaching practices, and recommendations for the protection of intellectual property and copyrights.
Merlin - the e-Learning platform of the University of Zagreb
Within the context of the University of Zagreb, a programme system for conducting online classes (LMS) has been implemented under the name Merlin. Merlin is a system for conducting online classes based on the Moodle open-source software. The system is freely available to all members of the academic community of the University of Rijeka (teachers, students and other university employees), who are using their provided unique AAI@Edu identity.
Through Merlin students are offered new opportunities in education:
AAI @ EduHr System
The AAI@EduHr system is the authentication and authorization infrastructure of the system of the science and higher education in the Republic of Croatia. Each institution within the Ministry of Science and Education, which is included in the AAI@EduHr system, has its own database (the so-called LDAP directory) where the electronic identity of the user from the institution is stored.