KALEBIĆ MAGLICA, BARBARA - She is involved in teaching courses in the field of social and health psychology. She is currently leading a university project entitled The Role of Parents in Shaping the Stigma of Obesity and Its Effects on Adolescent Health.
As part of this project, she is investigating the mechanisms underlying negative attitudes towards various stigmatized groups, particularly overweight people. For example, she examines the relationship between parents' attitudes towards overweight people and their children's attitudes towards obese peers, the impact of stigmatization based on body weight on mental and physical health, and the attitudes of coaches and teachers in physical education towards overweight people and what they attribute this weight to. She also examines the effects of stereotype threat in older people, determinants of attitudes towards migrants, etc. In addition to correlational studies, experimental designs are also used.
Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here: https://portal.uniri.hr/Portfelj/Details/1609
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.hr/citations?user=z0_E_bQAAAAJ&hl=hr