Roncevic Zubkovic B photo web

RONČEVIĆ ZUBKOVIĆ, BARBARA - She teaches courses in the field of educational and school psychology at the undergraduate and graduate levels of psychology studies, as well as in teacher training programs offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and other constituents of University of Rijeka. Currently, she is involved in two projects at the University of Rijeka, serving as the principal investigator of project Learning through self-regulation in the context of dynamic changes in society and education, and a collaborator on project Regulation of motivation in the context of academic learning and self-regulation of creativity (led by Rosanda Pahljina-Reinić).

Her research interests focus on self-regulated learning and the integration of information and communication technologies in education. Specifically, she examines the motivational aspects (such as goal orientations), as well as the (meta)cognitive and emotional factors of self-regulated learning that contribute to successful functioning in various educational contexts and domains. Her current project explores the intersection of two influential areas in educational psychology: self-regulated learning theory and cognitive load theory.

Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here:

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