Zivcic Becirevic I photo web
ŽIVČIĆ- BEĆIREVIĆ, IVANKA - She teaches several subjects in the field of clinical psychology on the master and graduate level at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. She leads the postgraduate specialist study in psychological counselling. She also teaches several subjects at the doctoral program and postgraduate specialist study in clinical psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. Besides, she is a trainer and a supervisor in cognitive-behavioural therapy.

Currently, she leads scientific project “Determinants of Emotional Adjustment Across Normative Life Transitions” (financed by the University of Rijeka). Starting from the cognitive model of emotional disorders, the main goal of this project is to determine the specific protective and risk factors in explaining depressive and anxiety symptoms in children, adolescents and young adults. Special emphasis is on the role of cognitive vulnerability and emotion regulation in developing a disorder. Additional field of interest is q transgenerational transmission of anxiety and depression and the role of positive emotions in psychopathology.

Part of the research is focused on the evaluation of preventive activities and individual and group treatments of students within the University’s counselling centre, which she is leading.

Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here: https://portal.uniri.hr/Portfelj/Details/1045