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ANIĆ, PETRA - She participates in teaching courses in the fields of research methodology and statistics. Her scientific work focuses on the areas of leisure and sports psychology. Leisure activities are a matter of personal choice and give individuals more control. For this reason, they are more effective in meeting psychological needs, realizing one’s potential, and enhancing psychological well-being. She explores the motives for engaging in leisure activities, the relationships and dynamics within sports groups, and the outcomes arising from different ways of spending leisure time. Her research involves self-report measures and experience sampling methods.

She is currently involved in two projects at the University of Rijeka: The Role of Dimensions of Communion and Agency in the Relationship between Emotion, Personality, and Social Status (collaborator; project leader: Associate Professor Asmir Gračanin, Ph.D.) and Social Networks, Body Image, and Psychological Well-Being of Adolescents (collaborator; project leader: Professor Alessandra Pokrajac-Bulian, Ph.D.).

Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here:

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