MARTINAC DORČIĆ, TAMARA - She participates in teaching compulsory and elective courses in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in psychology and other studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and at the University of Rijeka in the field of developmental psychology, developmental psychopathology and teaching students with disabilities.
So far, she has participated as a researcher in several scientific research projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and the University of Rijeka (e.g. Risk and protective factors of mental health and academic adjustment of students, Risk levels for behavioural problems in children of early developmental age and professional interventions, Psychological aspects of the use of information and communication technologies in primary education, Determinants of emotional adjustment in normative life transitions). She participated in the European project Horizon e-Confidence and as a member of the Centre for Applied Psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka in several CARNET projects (e-Schools: Establishing a system for the development of digitally mature schools). She was a collaborator in the international Tempus project EduQuality, which aims at equalizing opportunities for students with disabilities.
She is currently involved in two scientific research projects supported by the University of Rijeka: Digital stress and mental health of people of different ages and life roles and Social media, body image and psychological well-being of adolescents.
Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here:
Google scholar: