MOHORIĆ, TAMARA teaches courses at undergraduate and graduate study of psychology, in the field of methodology (Psychometry and Measurement Theory) and intelligence. She is currently active in two research projects funded by the University of Rijeka (“Construction of a Questionnaire for the Assessment of Emotional Competence in Children”, project leader, and “Risk and Protective Factors in the Development of Excessive Weight and Obesity in Adolescence”, project associate).
She is interested in the field of emotional intelligence and competence. She is particularly interested in the development and measurement of emotion understanding and emotion management (emotional regulation) in children and adolescents. She is also interested in the development of instruments in the field of emotional competence (questionnaires and tests) and cross-cultural validation of instruments. She has participated in several studies on cross-cultural validation of instruments.
She is also interested in the relationship between emotional competence and various criteria variables (e.g., empathy, depression and anxiety in children, school success), and especially the role of emotional regulation in health outcomes (e.g., eating habits, obesity development).
Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here:
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