TAKŠIĆ, VLADIMIR is now in the position of Professor Emeritus at Department of Psychology Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
As a visiting professor, he has lectured at University of Umea (Sweden), University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Ljubljana and Koper (Slovenia) and University of Osijek (Croatia). He has lectured at several Universities in Europe and Asia.
Takšić was Vice Dean for Science and International Collaboration at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka for nine years.
He is a Cofounder and now in position of a Secretary in International Society on Emotional Intelligence (ISEI). Served as Croatian representative at Board of Scientific Affairs in European Federation of Psychology Associations. Takšić is a member of Editorial Board of Psychological Horizon (Ljubljana, Slovenia), and Primenjena psihologija (Novi Sad, Serbia). Also, he is a member of Croatian Psychological Chamber, Croatian Psychological Association and Association for Psychological Science (APS).
Takšić obtained his PhD in the field of emotional intelligence (EI) and competence and today works on construction and validation of EI instruments. He has published more than 80 papers and attended more than 80 conferences around the World.
Leading researcher of two bilateral international projects: „The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Positive Psychology“, in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana and „The Development and Validation of Measures of Emotional Intelligence in Chinese and Croatian Settings“, with the University of Hangzhou, China. Coordinator of FP6 Project entitled „Mobile Game-Based Learning“. Also, from 2002 to 2009 Takšić was a leading researcher of two international project funded by Croatian Ministry of Science and Education (MZO) “Operationalization and Cross-Cultural Validation of Emotional Intelligence Construct”, and “Development and Cross-Cultural Validation of Emotional Intelligence Construct”.
Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here: https://portal.uniri.hr/Portfelj/86
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.hr/citations?user=lyiGpw8AAAAJ&hl=hr