SUŠANJ, ZORAN - He teaches Organizational Psychology, Organizational Development and Psychology of Leadership. He has conducted research in the field of work motivation, leadership, attitudes towards work and organization, organizational climate and culture, and entrepreneurial behaviour, and recently he has been researching the determinants and effects of organizational justice. He plans to conduct research to discover the mechanisms underlying reactions to perceived injustice and the cognitive, affective and behavioural outcomes of unfair treatment. The research is planned to be conducted in an academic (students) and organizational context (employees in the service industry). On the student population, he will seek to discover the effects of unfair treatment by professors and colleagues on mental health and academic achievement. Also, longitudinal research will be used to examine the mechanisms underlying the effects of (un)fair treatment. In the service industry, efforts will be made to examine the effects of organizational (un)fairness on work engagement, emotional labour, psychological empowerment, and (un)desirable organizational attitudes and behaviours of employees. These specific outcomes will also be observed with respect to different sources of (in)justice: organization, immediate supervisor, associates or clients.
Academic portfolio (of the University of Rijeka employee) can be found here:
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